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Police union fights back against DOJ

By Dennis Domrzalski

The Albuquerque Police Officers Association has launched a counterattack against the DOJ reform effort it says is scaring cops out of doing their jobs and fueling the city's skyrocketing

crime rate.

According to the Albuquerque Journal, the campaign features 33 billboards along with TV and radio spots that urge the public to tell city and DOJ officials that “crime matters more” and that “they want to focus on the growing crime problem, instead of wasting millions of dollars on endless Department of Justice oversight.”

APOA President Shaun Willoughby told the Journal, "We’re talking about the bureaucracy of police officers being taken off the street because somebody that was not used force on said ‘ow,’ and how that impacts this community, our ability to respond to the community and this community’s ability to control crime. Your Albuquerque police officers are terrified that they will lose their job for simply doing their job and it’s not fair.”

The APOA is using its Facebook page to get the word out. One post says:

"Are you tired of the growing crime problems facing the city of Albuquerque? Are you tired of break-ins, stolen cars, vandalism, theft and murder being part of everyday living in our community? Then do something! If you don't speak up and get involved right now, things will get worse. Tell your City leaders that you care more about fighting crime then than wasting millions on endless Department of Justice oversight. Share and make your voices heard because crime matters more."

Another post says, "Don’t let them lie to you about the numbers! You deserve to know the truth. Share with your friends and family." The post includes a 25-second video which says that as of April 23, there had been 43 homicides in the city and that there have been 125 nonfatal shootings in the city in the past 21 days.

Willoughby also told the Journal, "We believe that our community deserves better from this police department,” he said. “We believe our community deserves better from this consent decree process.”


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