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Police OT audit to cost $45k

Audit of APD will cost Albuquerque Taxpayers

After extensive reporting of possible overtime abuse by some Albuquerque police employees, State Auditor Brian Colón opened a formal investigation in July 2020. This investigation by Colon’s office required the city of Albuquerque to hire a State Auditor approved accounting firm to conduct the audit. The cost of hiring this firm is paid for by the citizens of Albuquerque.

Mayor Tim Keller’s media person, Lorena Sanchez, confirmed this week that the city retained the firm, Porch & Associates LLC at a cost to taxpayers of $45,308. Sanchez stated that they anticipate this audit to be completed in May of 2021.

Once this audit is complete, the State Auditor will then review and assist APD in creating and enforcing better overtime and spending policies, so they become better stewards of our money. ABQReport will request these audits once they are finished and become public record. As always, ABQReport will furnish them to the public, as you need to know what is going on with your money.

There is a concurrent criminal investigation becoming conducted by New Mexico Attorney General Hector Balderas into this matter. The Attorney General’s office is tight lipped about what their investigation has found and if any employees will be charged with a crime.


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