Homicide no. 98
By Dan Klein
Homicide Update, August 29, 2021
Child mayor, Tim Keller, has Priorities, you aren’t one of them.
The number of homicide victims in Albuquerque continues to grow, as of today
ABQREPORT counts a total of 98 homicides within the city limits of Albuquerque.
(The list is at the bottom of this column).
This week Albuquerque registered two more homicides, a man was found shot to
death in the 400 block of Texas Ne and another man was found shot to death in his
apartment off 500 Tennessee Ne.
The homicide on Tennessee is extremely concerning as it appears that an entire
apartment complex was targeted with dozens of bullets penetrating the walls.
Here is a picture of the apartment complex, I count at least 35 bullet holes.
What are the priorities of our boy mayor doing while his city is turned into a war zone? This
was his tweet hours before the rampage on Tennessee.
Look, I know that Keller deserves some down time, but he has shown a complete detachment
from the reality that the rest of us in Albuquerque live in. Albuquerque is in such a violent crime
crisis now that Keller should sacrifice his time going to heavy metal concerts and instead ride
with an APD officer in the Southeast area on swing shift or graveyard for a few hours. He needs
to see firsthand the slaughter of citizens that is happening in his city, on his watch.
Tim Keller’s priorities are not the priorities of Albuquerque citizens. Keller seems to believe that if he ignores the crime tsunami, then it doesn’t exist. No wonder the families of the Albuquerque police officers that were shot ten days ago refused to meet with him. They know firsthand what Keller doesn’t want to acknowledge, Albuquerque is a dangerous city and instead
of going to heavy metal concerts, Keller should try to focus on protecting us.
Justified homicides:
Mark Padilla, killed on January 9, 2021
Ruben Parra, killed on February 2, 2021
Claude Trevino, killed by APD officers on February 20, 2021
Dominic Lueras, killed on on March 19, 2021
Neil Green, killed on March 27, 2021
Juan Cordova, killed by APD officers on April 16, 202
Marquez Floyd, killed by FBI on July 14, 2021
Richard Castillo, killed on July 31, 2021
Eric Padilla, killed by APD officers, August 15, 2021
Vehicular Homicides:
Danielle Ortiz and a baby, killed on March 30, 2021 in a DWI accident
Albuquerque Journal Homicide map: