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Geier killed Jesus, Medina betrayed him

--Someone needs to stop the childish bickering between Mike Geier and Harold Medina.

--Stop the blame-game!

Jesus died on the cross two thousand years ago. Who is to blame?

If you listen to APD Interim Chief Harold Medina, it was Mike Geier who hammered the nails into Jesus’s palms.

Or if you listen to Mike Geier it was Harold “Judas” Medina who gave the kiss of death to poor Jesus.

After Geier was retired, he blamed everything on his demise on power-hungry Medina stabbing him in the back.

Now that he is chief, Medina blames every problem at APD on Geier’s bad management.

Do any of us care that these two guys hate each other? It was sick fun to watch at the beginning, the mean girls screaming and clawing at each other, while daddy, Tim Keller, was off playing football and going to rock concerts. But just like with children, there is a time when a grown-up needs to call time out and put a stop to it.

Albuquerque has a major crime problem; we all know that. We don’t need resources and time wasted any longer by having Medina and Geier screaming and blaming each other every chance they get. Geier needs to show the grandfatherly maturity he always talks about and be the bigger man and stop. Medina needs to embrace his role as chief, leader of a large police department, and start acting like a professional manager. If Medina wants to be named the permanent chief, he needs to show he is mature and professional.

And where is Tim Keller? He needs to hang up the football helmet, get off the park bench and order Medina to stop the public blame game. Albuquerque citizens need their mayor and police chief laser-focused on the task at hand, fighting the crime wave. Tim Keller needs to be the parent who finally steps in and puts a stop to the childish bickering between Geier and Medina, since they aren’t mature enough to stop on their own.

Albuquerque deserves police professionals, right now we have two adult men who are bickering like preschoolers, and the teacher is nowhere to be found.

Tim Keller, it’s time you start acting like the mayor. Oh, how I wish Marty Chavez was still mayor.


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