Albuquerque’s tone-deaf, metalhead mayor
By Dan Klein
Under Keller, the (dead) bodies really are hitting the floor
Why, Mayor Keller? Why don’t you care for Albuquerque crime victims the way you care for everyone else? Aren’t we good enough for you?
Just days after the city celebrated Mother's Day, Albuquerque was rocked with yet another senseless murder. This time a teenager is accused of repeatedly stabbing his mother to death, all in front of his 9-year-old sister.
Later that same day Albuquerque was again stunned by the brutal murder of three people whose bodies were dumped off at Kaseman Hospital. The murders were caught on private security camera and apparently occurred by Cutler and San Pedro, during the busy part of the day.
What does our metalhead mayor have to say about any of this? Keller posted on his personal Facebook page that he is looking forward to heavy metal music concerts coming back to Albuquerque so he can emcee them. Yeah, it’s all about Tim.
But wait, Keller does care about people. It's just that the people he cares about aren’t Albuquerque crime victims.
Remember this picture from June12, 2018, that made national news? It shows Tim Keller and his wife in Texas, crying at the border for the children of illegal immigrants. How could any of us forget that poignant moment when Keller placed a teddy bear on the ground for the little ones being housed in Texas. It’s enough to make a grown man cry, which Keller did.
Has Keller ever offered tears and a teddy bear to the children of Albuquerque’s crime tsunami? In three-and-half years, I have witnessed Keller dodging crime victims and giving excuses, but never offering comfort to them. At least not the way he did at the border in Texas for those children.
Or how about when Keller took to his social media page, as mayor of Albuquerque to damn the Kenosha, Wisconsin, police officer who shot Jacob Blake? Has Keller ever done this much for any of Albuquerque’s crime victims? Oh, Keller never did apologize when it was confirmed that kindly Mr. Blake was armed with a knife and wanted on other charges when he jumped into a vehicle with children and tried to get away. The officer has been reinstated and no charges are pending against the police officer. Hmmm, I wonder why Keller hasn’t been quick to tweet out these facts.
Keller shouts “police reform” and “social justice,” but has he ever shouted sympathy for Albuquerque crime victims? How about the two small children who were killed when their mothers decided to drive drunk and argue? Mayor Keller, where are your teddy bears and tears for those children of Albuquerque's carnage?
How could any of us forget this brave statement from Mayor Keller after the George Floyd homicide:
I want to talk about George Floyd. He has been on my heart and mind these last few days, as I know he has been for so much of our community. His death has left us with rightful anger and grief. My words can’t capture the depth of the pain that so many people, especially people of color, are experiencing right now. As your Mayor, I want to acknowledge that pain. Here in Albuquerque, we stand with those grieving these incidents around the nation. We stand with those calling for justice.
Keller feels the pain of everyone, except his own citizens. Keller stands with those wanting social justice in this world, but has he sat at a funeral for any of Albuquerque crime victims?
Just so everyone knows, Albuquerque now has 55 homicide victims (including justified homicides, two that NMSP are handling and the two children no one else wants to count). Folks, it’s only May.
Look, Keller is simply lost in the weeds when it comes to Albuquerque’s crime problems. He has mismanaged the police department so badly that dozens of APD officers have already left this year. I don’t expect Keller to figure any of this out prior to election day, but Jesus Christ, he could at least act like he cares about Albuquerque crime victims. Just a little bit.
But Keller won’t. His campaign people know that crime is the chink in this liberal white man’s armor. I'm sure they've told Keller not to acknowledge any victim, for risk of exposing the crime epidemic and Keller’s sickeningly inept response to it. It’s politically easier to do a photo-op at the border for children from a different country than to hold the nine-year-old who watched her mother get hacked to death by her brother. For Keller's progressive campaign managers, the border photo is political gold, and the 9-year-old is a political disaster. Therefore, Keller will make believe that the children of Albuquerque’s crime victims don’t exist, while he gets pumped up to bring back heavy metal concerts to Albuquerque.
I hope Mayor Metalhead Keller gets to emcee concerts this summer. In fact, there is a heavy metal song that epitomizes Albuquerque’s crime wave and Keller's response perfectly. Bodies hitting the floor and nothing wrong with Tim Keller.
Let the bodies hit the floor Let the bodies hit the floor Let the bodies hit the floor Let the bodies hit the floor
One, nothing wrong with me Two, nothing wrong with me Three, nothing wrong with me Four, nothing wrong with me
Let the bodies hit the floor Let the bodies hit the floor Let the bodies hit the floor