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Abq. homicides now at 57

By Dan Klein

This is your weekly homicide update from ABQReport.

As of May 23, 2021, Albuquerque has had 57 homicides. The last two occurred one week apart, with a homicide at Tramway and Central the afternoon of May 15, and the most recent homicide in Westgate on May 23.

I still am waiting for Mayor Keller to hold a public ceremony to honor all the Albuquerque murder victims. Since Keller became mayor there have been hundreds of murder victims. Each victim has a mother, father, brother, sister, son or daughter who will forever mourn for them. They will forever feel pain that is indescribable.

The murders are not the Keller's fault, but he could act like he cares. Keller left teddy bears and cried elephant tears at the border for immigrant children a couple of years ago, but his eyes are dry for Albuquerque’s families. Families who have lost children or parents to the scourge of violent crime that has eclipsed our city.

Come on Mayor Keller, just hold a quiet, respectful ceremony on Civic Plaza for Albuquerque murder victims and their families. Hold Sam Vigil’s hand and tell him you care for his murdered wife. Leave a teddy bear in the memory of four-year-old James Dunklee Cruz who was beaten to death after years of abuse by his mother and her boyfriend. Put your arm around Joseph Moya and shed a tear for his seven-year-old daughter, Amariah, who died because her mother drove drunk.

I guarantee that were Keller to do these things he would be a changed man. Empathy and caring will do that to a person.

Why is the ABQReport list bigger than that of local media? We use the definition of “homicide” and therefore we count all of the deaths, including those determined as “justified,” that fall into that definition. Here are the homicides (including justified) that we count, that the mainstream media does not:

Amariah Moya and another child killed by their drunk mothers on March 30, 2021.

Mark Padilla, killed on January 9, 2021 (APD has not released any other details)

Ruben Parra, killed on February 2, 2021 (APD has not released any other details)

Claude Trevino, killed on February 20, 2021 by APD officers after trying to stab officers.

Dominic Lueras, killed on March 19, 2021.

Neil Green, killed on March 27, 2021.

Juan Cordova killed on April 16, 2021 by APD officers in Ventana Ranch.


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