Young men, not cops, are murdering people
– If you fear being beaten, robbed, shot, stabbed, raped, molested, or murdered, it is young men between the ages of 15 and 29 that you should fear, not the police officer.
– The “real talk” for you and your children should be that young males, not police officers, are the people they should fear for their violence. In 2018 there were 16,214 murders in the U.S.
– Why aren't the current protesters on the streets demanding change and accountability from our young men, when they commit brutal crimes?
How many times have you seen the brutal murder of George Floyd? Once, twice, three times? Dozens of times? That's because all the major news outlets, along with local media outlets, have played this video relentlessly for months now. How many times would you, or any other human being, need to watch this video before your mind would tell you that this is how all interactions with police officers end? Why do the news outlets show this video ad nauseam, while refusing to air other videos—especially those of young men killing and brutalizing people—that are just as horrific? Is there an agenda? Of course there is.

Almost every night a news program, local or national, has a mother and father discussing having to have “the talk” with their children. What’s “the talk”? The media will tell you that it's the important honest discussion that parents must have with their children, especially minority children, that interactions with the police will probably lead to beatings and death. These parents, for the most part, mean well, but they are clearly misguided and being played for fools by political groups that want America to turn into a land of anarchy and chaos. This is because if these groups truly cared about young men and women, of any color, they would be marching and protesting the 16,000 or more murders committed in America each year by young men in their own communities.
That’s right, it’s not the police officer that young people, or anyone for that matter, needs to fear. If you fear being beaten, robbed, shot, stabbed, raped, molested, or murdered, it is young men between the ages of 15 and 29 that you should fear, not the police officer. Crime statistics since the dawn of time clearly shown young men are the most dangerous group on the planet.
Need proof? Gang murders across this nation are almost entirely committed by young males. Mass killings? Yet again young men. Domestic violence? Young men. Rapes? Young men.
Over 16,000 murders a year, not counting tens of thousands of assaults, rapes, robberies, beatings, etc are all committed by young men. How many people are killed by police each year? Around 1,000 and over 96 percent of those are young men who were armed with knives and guns who were threatening to kill the officer or someone else. The number of deaths caused by officers that are outside of the scope of their duty (potentially criminal in nature) are usually less than 30 each year.
You wouldn’t know these statistics by watching the media. So I urge you to check out the real statistics at the Washington Post (police killings page) and the FBI crime statistics. It’s all there.
After you have educated yourself on the real statistics, then you should have a “real talk” with your children. Tell them they should avoid dangerous young men for their own safety. These high-strung alpha males are the dangerous people that you and your children should avoid.
While you are educating yourself, you should also ask why the current protesters aren’t on the streets demanding change and accountability from our young men, when they commit brutal crimes? Just look at his horrific triple murder in a fast food restaurant in Detroit, Michigan on July 19, 2020. Oh, you never knew about this triple murder. The national media didn’t splash it continually over your TV screen all week long?
If you have watched George Floyd, then buckle up and watch this. In just a matter of seconds a 25-year-old man shot four other men in the head, killing three of them, execution style. After this mass killing I expected BLM to be on the streets of all American cities demanding change and accountability from young men, but of course they didn’t. Why would they? Demanding accountability from violent young men doesn’t fit their political agenda of chaos and anarchy.
Just so those who see everything through a racial lens don’t accuse me of being a racist (they probably will anyway), how about the murder of three young men who were out fishing in Florida this week. Who are suspected in their murders? Two young men and a young woman.
Once again I didn’t see anyone marching in the streets of Florida to demand justice for these three victims. Where were the far right groups who march against BLM?
The “real talk” for you and your children should be that young males, not police officers, are the people they should fear for their violence. The “talk” should also include telling your children not to be blind followers of groups who don’t give a damn about you or your community, but only wish to bring chaos and anarchy to our streets. Tell your children that they need to be just as outraged at young men murdering our friends and neighbors as we are at statues and police videos. The parents would be wise to listen too and stop perpetuating the slanted propaganda that is being put out by these anarchists, both left and right, that law enforcement is the problem. It is not.
The problem here and nationally are violent teenagers and young adult males that communities are doing nothing about.
Here is a list of named 2020 Albuquerque murder victims. I don’t recall any protests regarding their deaths
Jose Valenzuela, Benjamin Moore, Justin Sanchez, Kyle Martinez, David Parsons, Johnny Fajardo, David Boros, Katherine Garcia, Jeff Baca, Philip Quintel, Angelique Manriquez, Carlos Moody, Christopher Carroll, Zinnia Sillivent, Alejandro Estrada, Latisha Neito, Hubert Steward, Daniel Guardado, Gariel Montes, Zachary Schaefer, Javier Marrufo, Andres Ramirez, Nickolas Tenorio, Justin Correa, Teryn Kurtz, Alexandria Chavez, Lawrence Howard, Chance Elkshoulder, Omar Echenique, Lavon King, Patricio Arroyo, Curtis Martinez, Angelique Anderson, Esteven Lara, Thomas Gonzales, Johnny Hardy and Reuben Baca.
Until we take seriously, and do something about, the murders in our own community, I question why we are marching in outrage to murders elsewhere. Why march for a murder in Minneapolis, or federal police in Portland, when Albuquerque is on fire and burning to the ground? Shouldn’t we be putting Albuquerque first?