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Former APD Sgt. James Geha Indicted on Fraud Charges

Former Albuquerque Police Sgt. James Geha has been indicted by a Bernalillo County grand jury on 10 felony counts for allegedly falsifying time cards when he was with APD.

The indictment was filed Tuesday on the website of the Second Judaical Court district.

The New Mexico State Police investigated Geha in 2016 and found that he had 349 hours of overtime in which he didn't work, padding his paychecks by more than $15,000 in one year.

In June 2016, State Police sent their case to then-DA, Kari Brandenburg's office for possible charges. But Brandenburg's office apparently sat on the case. Current DA Raul Torrez took over the office in January 2017.

According to news reports, then-APD Chief Gorden Eden recommended in late 2016 that Geha be fired. But Geha quit before he could be fired.

But in September of 2017, Geha got a job as a fraud investigator with the New Mexico Taxation and Revenue Department. Earlier this month, KRQE-TV reported that Geha had been put on paid leave after the station asked why Geha had gotten the job

when he was under investigation for fraud.

Geha has said that he actually worked the hours but that he didn't have the documentation to prove it.

Geha was indicted on one court of attempt to embezzle over $2,500, one count of fraud over $2,500, and eight counts of paying or receiving public money for services not rendered. Those are third-and-fourth-degree felonies.

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