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Good News: Property Crime Down; Bad News: You still need to carry gun

APD has release the city’s crime statistics for the first quarter of the year comparing them to the first quarter of 2017.

Looking at the chart, it's the homicide rate that continues to be alarming.

There were 6 more murders in the first quarter of 2018 compared with 2017 which is a 50% increase. Property crimes by far are more common than murders.

The fact is, murders do not drive property crime trends, but it is the other way around.

A murder is usually committed when another crime is being committed such as armed robbery or domestic violence or it’s a crime committed in the heat of anger and a gun is readily available.

It’s difficult at best to bring down homicide rates, but it can be done when you bring down other violent crime such as armed robbery, aggravated assaults, illicit drug offenses and domestic violence.

In March of this year, 5 homicides were reported in six days!

Albuquerque has had twenty (21) homicides reported in 4 months thus far and counting! Albuquerque had 12 murders in the first quarter last year.

In 2017, violent crime rose by 18% over the previous year.

Since 2012, violent crime has dramatically increased in Albuquerque by 77%. The 77% increase in violent crime in 2017 was still significantly less than “nonfatal shootings” which increased by a whopping 148%.

According to APD statistics released for 2017, homicides increased by 23%, robberies increase by 43%, rapes increased by 21% and aggravated assaults increased 4.2%.

The dramatic increase in crime in 2017 followed a 15.5 percent increase in violent crime in 2016.

The good news is that Albuquerque's property crime rates for the first time in a number of years are declining.

The bad news is that our violent crime rates are still way too high.

In other words, your property may be safe, but you may want to carry a gun.

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