Martinez to propose $250 million increase to state budget
Gov. Susana Martinez will release her budget proposal for state government today, and it will include a whopping $250 million, or 4 percent increase in spending.
The Albuquerque Journal reported the budget proposal this morning based on an interview it had with Martinez on Thursday.

Here's the Journal's story on Martinez's budget proposal.
The proposal will include a 1 percent across-the-board pay raise for 17,000 state employees and increases in state spending on public schools, Medicaid and New Mexico’s judicial system.
According to the Journal, "At least some of the money for funding increases – an estimated $99 million – would come from eliminating various tax deductions, including making nonprofit hospitals pay the same tax rate as other hospitals. While Martinez has adhered to a “no tax increase” stance since taking office in 2011, her administration has indicated it’s open to raising revenue by closing “loopholes” in an attempt to level the state’s playing field for businesses."
We'll update this story later today when Martinez releases the full budget plan.