Review: Stranger Things, Season 2
“Stranger Things” season 2 is a nostalgic return to the 80s, with all of your favorite characters and a new adventure into the creepy world of the Upside Down.
“Stranger Things” season one became an instant hit with audiences across the globe. The 80s aesthetic of the show paired with the unique concept created a world that fans went crazy for and couldn’t wait to return to.

Season two of the show did not disappoint with a satisfying return to the town and characters we grew to love in season one. In this season the Upside Down is back with a vengeance and poses a range of new problems for the people of Hawkins. The gang are back together and trying to save the world for the second time.
Throughout nine new episodes we follow the characters from last season, as well as being introduced to a number of new characters. This includes a new monster for the main characters to discover and attempt to defeat. The monster of this season was not as engaging as the Demogorgon that terrorized Hawkins last season. Although it is bigger, it is not necessarily better. The first season of “Stranger Things” was dowsed in suspense as a result of the anticipation surrounding the monster. However, after discovering the monster, this feeling of suspense did not filter through into season two.
The show works best when inside the confines of the town and this is where season two lets itself down. Eleven (Millie Bobby Brown) ventures further afield in episode seven, resulting in considerably the worst episode in the entire series so far. A problem with returning to the Upside Down for a second outing is that the dimension was shrouded in mystery throughout the first season. As a result of figuring out how the other dimension worked and where it came from, the second series did not live up to the first.
The entire cast gave memorable performances, especially the main crew of middle schoolers. They all have very good on-screen chemistry and really help to make the “Stranger Things” world believable. Along with the original foursome, Steve Harrington (Joe Keery) was a stand out character of season two. Steve developed into an integral part of the series, showing his more sensitive side and building deeper relationships with the other characters.
As with the first season, the production of the show is definitely one of the highlights of the series, including the 80s setting and costumes, as well as the soundtrack.
Although not as good as the first season, season two was still packed with all the things we loved about season one, including a dark monster and endearing characters. The ending seems to set up for a season three, so we will see what else the town of Hawkins and the Upside Down has left to offer.