Dennis Domrzalski and Dan Klein
Jun 10, 2021
Deyontae Williams' atty. rips Keller admin.
Attorney Tom Grover, who represents Deyontae Williams, ripped the Keller administration the other day on a radio interview. Grover...

Dennis Domrzalski and Dan Klein
Jun 7, 2021
Keller's war against black man fails
By Dennis Domrzalski and Dan Klein Mayor Tim Keller's attempt to prosecute a black man who committed no crime has failed. On Monday, the...

Dennis Domrzalski and Dan Klein
Apr 23, 2021
Breaking: More sleaze from Keller's storm troopers
By Dennis Domrzalski and Dan Klein The sleaze keeps oozing from Mayor Tim Keller's office. A few hours ago we reported that Keller's...

Dennis Domrzalski
Apr 22, 2021
Keller's admin. hounds black man
Mayor Tim Keller's administration has set out to punish a black man for daring to exercise his free-speech rights he's guaranteed under...

Dan Klein
Apr 19, 2021
Bodies pile up in Keller's anti-cop utopia
Bodies are dropping all over Tim Keller’s anti-police utopia called Burque. The number of homicides as of April 19, 2019 (this is an...

Dan Klein
Apr 19, 2021
Here's why APD is collapsing
By Dan Klein If you want to know why the Albuquerque Police Department is collapsing, why officers are fleeing in droves and why crime is...

Dennis Domrzalski
Apr 18, 2021
Keller & Medina side with mobsters
By Dennis Domrzalski Mayor Tim Keller and Police Chief Harold Medina have sided with progressive mobsters who believe that constitutional...

Dan Klein
Apr 17, 2021
Chaos on Civic Plaza!
By Dan Klein – Law-abiding citizens no longer have constitutional rights when Keller’s mob attacks them. – The violations of...

Dan Klein
Nov 1, 2020
Geier killed Jesus, Medina betrayed him
Someone needs to stop the childish bickering between Mike Geier and Harold Medina.

Dan Klein
Oct 25, 2020
Does Simon Drobik deserve what he gave others? A perp walk?
Will Simon Drobik get the same sleazy perp walk treatment that he has given to others? Does he deserve it?