Dennis Domrzalski
Feb 21, 2018
Kill the vile tax increase!
The proposed $55 million a year gross receipts tax increase that is being pushed by City Councilors Ken Sanchez and Trudy Jones isn't ne

Dennis Domrzalski
Feb 19, 2018
More taxes! Domrzalski's poetic tribute to Ken Sanchez and Trudy Jones
ABQReport editor Dennis Domrzalski performing his poetic tribute to tax hikers Ken Sanchez and Trudy Jones. Tax us Trudy, tax us Ken, Tax...

Dennis Domrzalski
Feb 19, 2018
Tax us Trudy, tax us Ken, tax us more again and again! More taxes!
We need more taxes! We should raise the GRT by at least a cent, hike the gas tax and tax everything else that moves in this city.

Dennis Domrzalski
Feb 17, 2018
Hide your wallets; another city tax hike proposed.
Since 2010, the GRT in the city has risen by more than 20 percent.

Dennis Domrzalski
Dec 18, 2017
Sick Leave Bill Would Affect 6 Percent of City Employers
You've got to hand it to city councilors Ken Sanchez and Don Harris; they're either incredibly bold in their attempts to deceive the...