Dennis Domrzalski
Jan 17, 2018
City recorded APD reform monitor at least 12 times
Civilian and police officials in former Mayor Richard Berry's administration made at least 12 secret recordings of the independent monit

Dennis Domrzalski
Dec 6, 2017
The Brachle Case: A Mountain Of BS
The are so many questions raised about the way this case was handled that one can only scream in frustration, “Bullshit!”

Dennis Domrzalski
Nov 20, 2017
APD Staffing Situation: Bad And Getting Worse
"Our net gain [of officers] this year will be almost zero." - APD Chief Gorden Eden.

Dennis Domrzalski
Nov 17, 2017
APD's House Of Sleaze Implodes
APD's edifice of sleaze came crashing down on its sleazy, lying and manipulating inhabitants.

Dennis Domrzalski
Nov 5, 2017
Breaking: Eden Announces His Retirement
Albuquerque Police Chief Gorden Eden announced that he will retire as of November 30.

Dennis Domrzalski
Nov 2, 2017
What We Need In A New Police Chief
APD Forward, a collation of 18 community groups and family members of police shooting victims, has made a list of qualifications it believes

Dennis Domrzalski
Nov 2, 2017
Master Spy Huntsman
Assistant APD Chief Robert Huntsman's spying could land him in deep excrement.

Dennis Domrzalski
Nov 1, 2017
APD Reform: Kill The Messenger Part 2
The city's motion is another pathetic and sleazy attempt to smear Ginger.

Dennis Domrzalski and Nick Wing
Oct 23, 2017
What Happens When A Troubled Police Department Refuses To Reform?
A Partnership with the HuffPost The Albuquerque Police Department has been obstructing the reform effort, and there have been no...