Dennis Domrzalski
Nov 1, 2018
ART buses are a disaster; Keller grounds fleet; project on hold
Those problems with the ART buses include bolts flying off doors, doors opening by themselves when the buses are moving, air conditioning sy

Dennis Domrzalski
Jul 17, 2018
City Gets $14 Million in ART Money - Sort Of
Calm down everyone, the city still hasn't gotten any real ART project money from the feds. On Monday, Mayor Tim Keller announced that the...

Dennis Domrzalski
May 31, 2018
Keller: ART Still a Mess, But There is Hope
The $135 million Albuquerque Rapid Transit remains a mess, but there is a chance that it could start offering limited service in the...

Pete Dinelli
Feb 21, 2018
Dinelli: turn ART platforms into breathalyzer stations
Perhaps our Firefighters could use the ART Buses to go to emergency calls for service using the ART Buses as a means of saving money.

Dennis Domrzalski
Feb 8, 2018
ABQ bus ridership plunges again; 25% decline since 2012
Since 2012, bus ridership in Albuquerque has fallen by an astonishing 25 percent.

Dennis Domrzalski
Feb 3, 2018
Weekly Highlights
In case you missed some of these pieces earlier in the week, here are some of my favorites:

Pete Dinelli
Jan 29, 2018
Dinelli: Puking over ART
It was the Albuquerque City Council and Benton who failed in their oversight responsibilities of the project and failed to press the previou

Dennis Domrzalski
Jan 18, 2018
Money for rape kit tests and more cops? Junk ART bus contract
Canceling the ART bus contract will immediately free up $23 million for the city.

Dennis Domrzalski
Jan 15, 2018
What should we do with ART? One, investigate everyone involved.
Is ART a case of massive buffoonery and total incompetence, or something more sinister like corruption?

Dennis Domrzalski
Jan 10, 2018
FTA forced Long Beach, Calif., to cancel its bus contract with BYD
In December, 2017, the Federal Transit Administration forced Long Beach, Calif., to cancel its bus contract with Chinese bus company, BYD. A