Dennis Domrzalski
Sep 19, 2018
APD Monitor: Small Group of Sergeants and Lieutenants Not on Board With Reform Effort
- City Can't do Anything About the Foot-Draggers Because They're Protected by Contracts and Civil Service Rules - Parties to the...

Dennis Domrzalski
Feb 21, 2018
Screwed! APD to start over on reform. Former command staff botched everything; had no plan.
The Albuquerque Police Department's former command staff so obstructed APD's reform effort that the department basically has to star

Dennis Domrzalski
Oct 20, 2017
Cost of APD's Reform Obstruction: $2.6M And Counting
Albuquerque taxpayers have paid out $2.6 million for the Albuquerque Police Department's efforts to obstruct the police reform process.