Dennis Domrzalski
Oct 31, 2018
Keller Orders Review of Robotman's Overtime Pay
On one occasion, Drobik billed the city for 26 hours of work in a 24-hour day.

Dennis Domrzalski
Nov 28, 2017
Keller Names APD Interim Chief, Command Staff
Mayor-elect Tim Keller on Tuesday named former APD officer and former Rio Rancho Police Chief Michael Geier as the city's interim police

By Dennis Domrzalski and Dan Klein
Nov 8, 2017
APD's Panhandling Future
Here's what could wind up to be typical APD radio chatter when cops start cracking down on panhandlers.

Dennis Domrzalski
Nov 1, 2017
APD Reform: Kill The Messenger Part 2
The city's motion is another pathetic and sleazy attempt to smear Ginger.