Gun violence stalks ABQ
By Dan Klein -- 335 non-fatal shootings in two months! That's about six a day. -- From May 31 to June 20, just 20 days, Albuquerque...
Dan Klein
Jul 29, 2021

Eight more cops resign
By Dan Klein After my most recent column on homicide I received several messages from sources within APD who advised me that just last...
Dan Klein
Jul 28, 2021

More homicides, fewer cops
By Dan Klein -- Only 364 cops available to handle your 911 calls. That over three shifts seven days a week. -- APD is on track to going...
Dan Klein
Jul 26, 2021

Homicide Update; Spin and Lame Local Media
By Dan Klein Another week has gone by in Albuquerque, and we can add three more victims to the list of homicides in Albuquerque. This...
Dan Klein
Jul 20, 2021

Homicide update. No. 71
Another week has gone by in Albuquerque, and we can add four more victims to the ever-growing number of homicides in Albuquerque. This...
Dan Klein
Jun 29, 2021

Homicide Update
Another week has gone by in Albuquerque, and we can add three more victims to the ever-growing number of homicides in Albuquerque. This...
Dan Klein
Jun 22, 2021

Where Have All The Policemen Gone?
By Dan Klein Albuquerque was doing so well, what happened? During the debacle of the R. J. Berry years, the Albuquerque Police Department...
Dan Klein
Jun 22, 2021

What APD didn't tell us--until asked
By Dan Klein Does a police department have a duty to report to the public when one of their officers has been arrested? Back on May 24,...
Dan Klein
Jun 19, 2021

Keller's "legal lynching" of Deyontae Williams
By Dan Klein -- In Keller's and Medina’s progressive paradise, known at Portlandquerque, you are only allowed to exercise the freedoms...
Dan Klein
Jun 16, 2021

DOJ police reform hypocrisy
By Dan Klein You just have to admire the DOJ. They come into cities and force expensive reforms and policies upon local police and local...
Dan Klein
Jun 16, 2021