Pete Dinelli
Oct 17, 2017
Pat Davis' Crime Plan A Bad Idea
The creation of “Security Assistance Funding Zones” is a pathetic attempt to find an alternative solution to APD’s personnel crisis....

Frank Cullen
Oct 14, 2017
Young Radicals in the War for American Ideals
Young Radicals in the War for American Ideals by Jeremy McCarter (2017, Random House, 326 pages plus foot notes and index) (ISBN...

Dennis Domrzalski
Oct 14, 2017
News Headlines
Links to stories from around New Mexico and the nation you might want to read. Controversial NM Public Education Standards Police...

Megan Derbyshire and Aurora Harris
Oct 13, 2017
Film Review: Mother!
“mother!” is the type of film you watch for 2 hours and 1 minute and still don’t really know what happened.

Dennis Domrzalski
Oct 13, 2017
Humor: Vegetarians Are Killers
Every year billions of living plants are killed, disfigured, abused, beheaded and brutalized so vegetarians can feel smug.

Dennis Domrzalski
Oct 12, 2017
Pat Davis' Crime Plan: Pay To Play
Say you pay for a pizza, sit down to eat it and the owner comes by and takes a quarter of it away. Would you be happy? Then imagine that...

Oct 12, 2017
Bail Reform Making ABQ Safer
Leo M. Romero, Former Dean and Emeritus Professor, UNM School of Law Chair, NM Supreme Court Ad Hoc Committee on Pretrial Release Reforms...

Dennis Domrzalski
Oct 12, 2017
Airbnb Tax Deal Stinks
Am I the only one not cheering the news that Airbnb has agreed to collect the lodgers' tax and hospitality fees in Albuquerque and...

Dennis Domrzalski
Oct 10, 2017
Analee Maestas resigns From APS Board
Analee Maestas, who has been implicated in a $700,000 embezzlement scheme at the charter school she founded and ran, has resigned from...

Dennis Domrzalski
Oct 4, 2017
ABQ Election Winners And Losers
Way to go Gus! Yeah, there's going to be a runoff election on Nov. 14 between Tim Keller and Dan Lewis, but you already know that. And it...

Dennis Domrzalski
Oct 2, 2017
Still No ART Funding
The deadline for the federal government to fund Mayor Richard Berry's $126 million Albuquerque Rapid Transit project has come and gone,...