Dennis Domrzalski
Oct 23, 2017
ART Hardly Seems "World-Class."
ART's platforms look puny and cheap and anything but "world-class."

Jeremy Reynalds
Oct 23, 2017
The Season For Giving
You get bombarded solicitations from charities this time of the year because this is when people are most likely to give.

Dennis Domrzalski and Nick Wing
Oct 23, 2017
What Happens When A Troubled Police Department Refuses To Reform?
A Partnership with the HuffPost The Albuquerque Police Department has been obstructing the reform effort, and there have been no...

Dennis Domrzalski
Oct 22, 2017
Who is Daniel Libit? NY Times Profiles UNM Scold
Great read in this morning's New York Times about Daniel Libit, who runs the blog, NM Fishbowl. Libit, who was born in New Mexico and who...

Dennis Domrzalski
Oct 21, 2017
Why The Fuss Over Unions?
There are only 49,000 union members in New Mexico and they make up only 6.3 percent of the workforce

Dennis Domrzalski
Oct 21, 2017
Rampaging polar bears and more
Man gets life sentence for killing 1-year-old girl on Navajo reservation More layoffs at ONE Aviation (Former Eclipse Aviation). Study:...

Megan Derbyshire and Aurora Harris
Oct 20, 2017
Review: Dave Made A Maze
Imaginative and very impressive, the majority of the film is set inside cardboard walls you will never get bored of looking at.

Dennis Domrzalski
Oct 20, 2017
Cost of APD's Reform Obstruction: $2.6M And Counting
Albuquerque taxpayers have paid out $2.6 million for the Albuquerque Police Department's efforts to obstruct the police reform process.

Dennis Domrzalski
Oct 20, 2017
NM's Economy Still Stinks
New Mexico's "Lost Decade" continues. The state still hasn't recovered all the jobs it lost during the recession.

Dennis Domrzalski
Oct 19, 2017
Pedophile Lover Or Dirty Tricks?
Does Tim Keller protect pedophiles and murderers? Has Dan Lewis dipped into a big bag of dirty and nasty tricks? That's the allegations...

Dennis Domrzalski
Oct 18, 2017
NM PED Changes Science Standards
Bowing to public outrage, the New Mexico Department of Education said it will restore the word “evolution” in its proposed science...

Dennis Domrzalski
Oct 18, 2017
New Mexicans Highly Vulnerable to ID Theft
New Mexico is one of the worst states in the nation when it comes to the vulnerability of its citizens to identify theft, according to a...

Dennis Domrzalski
Oct 18, 2017
New Mexico's Misleading Export Numbers
The cheerleading media outlets are deceiving you when it comes to New Mexico's exports stats.

Dennis Domrzalski
Oct 17, 2017
ABQ Bus Ridership Plunges
Ridership on Albuquerque's bus system continues to plunge. Through August, boardings on city buses were down 12 percent from what they...

Dennis Domrzalski
Oct 17, 2017
Sticker Shock: Cancer Gene Therapy Might Cost $1M Per Patient
By Liz Szabo Kaiser Health News Outrage over the high cost of cancer care has focused on skyrocketing drug prices, including the $475,000...