ABQ Most Dangerous City For Bicyclists
This probably isn't news to anyone who rides a bicycle around Albuquerque, or who drives and sees all those roadside memorials to dead bicyclist, so here it is: Albuquerque is the most dangerous city in America for bicyclists.

That's according to the website 24/7 Wall St., which published its findings last week.
That actually says a lot, because in Albuquerque oly 1.6 percent of working-age adults commute to work on bikes.
Tucson was the second most dangerous city for bicyclists; Las Vegas, Nev., was third; Phoenix was fourth; and San Jose, Calif., was fifth.
The safest city for bicyclists was Oklahoma City.
Here's how 24/7 explained its calculations:
"To identify the most dangerous (and safest) cities for bikes, 24/7 Wall St. reviewed the number of bicyclists and riders of other pedal-driven vehicles who died in traffic crashes in 2015. The fatality rate is defined as the number of crashes per every 1 million people and was provided for the 32 U.S. cities with populations of 500,000 people or more from the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration. The percentage of residents commuting to work by bike came from the U.S. Census Bureau’s 2016 American Community Survey."